Tuesday 10 April 2012

April already

I have been away from all things arty for too long! It's because I have been wielding a paintbrush of a different kind. The ongoing task of finishing the building project has been dragging on, and Mr H and I decided that we needed a oush to move things forward. The hall, stairs and landing was such a mammoth job, it nearly broke me - in fact I still struggle to get my right arm over my head without wincing, but it is done! We have carpet and painted wood, replacing the rather yellowed varnished pine that was originally there. It's clean, fresh and so nice to have carpet that isn't stained with building filth, or dog hair! Coming out of the bedroom every morning gives me that little frisson of pleasure I would normally associate with a good journal page!

In the meantime, I have been squeezing in a bit of arty-ness, although being so pre-occupied with decorating has meant that I think my March page is possibly the page I like the least over the past three years of journaling! I'm trying to become less dependent on stamps and downloads and reawaken my love of drawing, so this was an initial foray back into the world of wielding a pencil probably since school!

At the beginning of March, I went to Art from the Heart to spend three days arting about with Dina Wakely. We created an amazing book (unsurprisingly mine is yet to be finished!)and as part of the process, we had to create a page to cut up later in the process. I loved the colours and the contrast so much that I decided to recreate the scheme for my April journal page. It's a bit busy, but I still like the boldness of it.


  1. Wow...both of these pages are amazing. The April colours are very striking...love the background.

  2. love your steps. i feel your pain of not being able to move without wincing. ouch! that happened to me last week. not a good feeling. but at least you got a big job finished! yeah!

  3. Very bright and bold, lovely pages. I sympathise as our hall stairs and landing is a mammoth task with spindles and lots of intricate moulding. Trouble is with the dogs, it doesn't seem to last long enough. Anyway make time to dabble and create x


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