Monday 28 September 2009

Messy but productive?

On the art of moodlingSarah has challenged people to own up to their craft room messiness. My husband is constantly telling me that he is going to come in and organise my desk for me (you can imagine the response he gets!)and I suppose looking at this, you could understand why. But, I know where everything is, and can reach most of it without getting up, which is pretty much all the criteria I have...In my defence, it was a lot tidier than this when I sat down yesterday morning, but you know how it is when you get into the groove... Anyway I have been making ATCs to swap with my new friend Katrin in Germany, who I met through Marion's Zetti swap, so I had a lovely couple of hours 'craaafting' as my husband calls it, in the hammiest of west country accents:

I so liked the nude image that I did for my friends card last week, I decided to scale it down to atc size and made one for myself too!

I have often wondered what to do with my atcs, as sticking them in a file in the cupboard seems such waste, until I saw what Kate does with hers. Then I found this nifty bit of kit in a gift shop in town, so I bought it and now it hangs in the downstairs loo!

Right off to do some jobs now so that I can get on with some journal pages that I am dying to get down...


  1. This is defiitely tidy compared to my craft area ;)
    And I watched Ruth Watson's Hotel Rescue tonight on ch4 and those people's whole house was worse than my craft room!!! Being honest about our spaces definitely makes us feel better. Thanks for joining in!!!

  2. some lovely work and the craft room is classy and messy - I think what ever our intentions of that spotless craft room they cannot possibly stay that way no matter how hard we try. Check out my previous blogs and you can see my transfer from small area in my lounge to new fantastic craft room but now a bit messy on occasions beach hut room. (messy most nights)
    Kate x


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