Another month over! I'm not sure that my husband was all that impressed by the fact that as well as all the ski clobber, I also insisted on taking some journalling kit away with us - really, you would think that he would be used to it by now! Contrary to popular opinion, I did get some journalling done in my little journal as well, admittedly not much, but there is a reason for this you see. TWILIGHT. If you have read the books, you'll know what I mean. It takes over your life. I took the first two books away with me, thinking that I would be too tired to read any more, but I was hooked before the plane even took off. I finished both books in the first two days of the holiday, and spent the rest of the non-skiing time surreptitiously looking for the next book in a any shop we passed. I figured that if I bought it in French, it would take me a little bit longer to finish, and then I wouldn't have the terrible dilemma - read as fast as possible to find out what happens, or spin it out as long as possible so that I don't have that horrible empty feeling that you get when you finish a really good book. One of the reasons it has taken me so long to blog since we got back is that I have been spending every 'spare' minute reading. I am now up to page 311 of the fourth book, and am still obsessing! I can't decide whether I want to see the films - surely they can't be as good as the books? Just as well we have a school holiday coming up, I can catch up on a few things...

So this was the page I managed to squeeze in between skiing and reading last week. I heard this phrase on the radio, and I love it. I think it sums up quite well the British sense of humour - either laughing at our own failures, or less generously, at other peoples'.
Finally, I was tagged by Marsha at Tumblefish Studio You have to select the tenth picture in your picture file and post it, and tag five other people. This is a very early journal piece I did, and whilst it is by no means my favourite, I like it for the fact that I can see how my style has developed and remind myself of some of the things I have achieved!
I tag:
Kate at
Marion at
Sue at
Katrin at
Sarah at
I look forward to seeing what comes out of your archives!