Wednesday, 7 July 2010

busy, busy, busy

Cor, but life is a bit hectic at the moment. It's at times like this that I am glad to have prepped a few journal pages in advance so that I can have a little fun without being distracted from the work I should be doing! Another three weeks and life should go much calmer, or at least I hope so! Until then, I have pupil assessments to finish, college work to get done, a million one school events and activities to keep up with with my own children, and all this with only one car and that doesn't work very well...I did think that having a husband at home all the time would lighten the load, but as you will be able to tell from these journal pages, it is not always the case....Right need to go and finish the dinner before I head off to a meeting this evening. No rest for the wicked!


  1. Oooh I recognise your drawing Sarah - she looks fab on her own page. Very admirable!
    And oh how I LOVE your man page! You've captured the essence of (dare I say ALL!) men so brilliantly! x

  2. wow have just fouynd your blog and I am a loving it !!!! it rocks - will be back for more


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